Pirate Ship Sailing on the Ocean at Sunset

Welcome Bartram's Buccaneers

old pirates' treasure map isolated with clipping path

Welcome to First Grade!

I am so excited to start a new school year! Please check your student’s folder for our classroom information. I will be sending home their login information to their Google Account. This information will give you access to our Google Classroom. I plan to keep our Google Classroom up to date with what is happening in our class; as well as, links to other resources. Please make sure you have set up your Parent Square account so that you can easily contact me with any questions or concerns.

Here is the link to the Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NjY5MDU4NTUzNjha

old pirates' treasure map isolated with clipping path

I was born and raised in Hanford. I am a graduate of Hanford High. I attended California State University, Fresno. I loved helping in my childrens’ classrooms and later went back to school and received my teaching credential.

When I am not teaching, you can usually find me in my garden with my husband and my two dogs and my cat.

I started teaching at Kit Carson in 2001 and consider this my home away from home.

Meet Mrs. Bartram